Ivy works with several different fragments of first-order logic.
A fragment is just a restriction of the full set of possible terms -- some terms are excluded. The trick is in choosing the set to exclude.
The most important fragment in Ivy is called FAU. By default, Ivy checks that every verification condition is in FAU and rejects those that fall outside of it. Understanding FAU is fairly important to understanding how to recover decidability in an Ivy program, when the fragment checker rejects it.
The underlying solver Z3 supports a complete decision procedure, based on quantifier instantiation, for FAU.
See also some of the later papers in further info.
The fragment FAU is best understood by building up from simpler fragments, adding small extensions that each preserve decidability:
- The effectively propositional fragment (EPR) is simplest
- The finite essentially uninterpreted fragment (FEU) extends EPR
- The finite almost uninterpreted fragment (FAU) extends FEU
The following concepts are used in explaining the fragments above. They are collected here for more direct exploration/reference:
- effectively propositional
- finite almost uninterpreted
- finite essentially uninterpreted
- first-order logic
- function cycle
- ivy_check command
- macro definition
- positive and negative occurrences
- property
- quantifier alternation
- recovering decidability
- schema
- skolemization
- sort
- stratification
- tactic
- uninterpreted function
- verification condition