Many-sorted logic is an extension of the domain of discourse of first-order logic into "sorts", analogous to "types" in programming.
The "sorts" of many-sorted logic are the types of Ivy.
By default, a type in Ivy is an uninterpreted type. The underlying solver Z3 can reason directly over these types and the associated theory of uninterpreted functions.
Types can also be given an interpretation in terms of one of the other sorts known to Z3.
Separately-declared types in Ivy are treated as disjoint (though potentially uninterpreted) sorts in the underlying logic. This is true even of separately-declared types with the same interpretation: if two separately-declared types A
and B
are both interpreted as int
, they are still separate: terms of type A
cannot be used where terms of type B
are required, or vice-versa.
See also wikipedia's page on many-sorted logic.