
Keywords: isolate, trusted

An isolate is an isolated (or "modular") context for verification.

An isolate is also an object, meaning that is an instance of a module. Declaring an isolate therefore requires either declaring and defining an object in-line, or else declaring that an existing object is an isolate (i.e. that it should be verified in isolation).

The isolation of an isolate is not total: the specification portions of other objects may be made available to the isolate through a trailing ... with <others> clause after the isolate declaration. Splitting an object's declarations into separate specifications and implementations is supported through visibility qualifiers.

By default, every program has a single top-level isolate (which is anonymous but can be denoted by this at the top-level).

Additional isolates can be declared inside the program in a variety of forms:

  • isolate <symbol> = { ... } declares and defines an object as an isolate
  • isolate <symbol> = <symbol> declares that an existing object should be isolated
  • isolate <symbol> = <symbol> with <other_isolate> and
  • isolate <symbol> = { ... } with <other_isolate> declares an isolate that includes the specification portion of the isolate <other_isolate>

Additional isolates do not automatically have visible access to their enclosing isolate. Instead, they may be given such access by declaring them using isolate ... with this

If an isolate is declared as trusted isolate ... it will be considered as verified without proof. This may be useful for isolates that contain imported actions, or or as a temporary measure during development.


isolate evens = {

    action step
    action put(n:num)

    specification {
        before put {
            require n.even

    implementation {

        var number : num
        after init {
            number := 0

        implement step {
            call odds.put(number + 1)

        implement put(n:num) {
            number := n;

        invariant number.even
with odds,num

isolate odds = {

    action step
    action put(n:num)

    specification {
        before put {
            require n.odd

    implementation {

        var number : num
        after init {
            number := 1

        implement step {
            call evens.put(number + 1)

        implement put {
            number := n;

        invariant number.odd

with evens,num

This is a pair of isolates that depend on one another.

Effectively, this breaks the proof that the two assertions always hold into two parts. In the first part, we assume the object evens gets correct inputs and prove that it always sends correct outputs to odds. In the second part, we assume the object odds gets correct inputs and prove that it always sends correct outputs to evens.

This argument seems circular on the surface. It isn't, though, because when we prove one of the assertion holds, we are only assuming that the other assertion has always held in the past. So what we're really proving is that neither of the two objects is the first to break the rules, and so the rules always hold.

In the first isolate, we prove the assertion that evens guarantees. We do this using the visible part of odds, but we forget about the hidden state of the odds object (in particular, the variable odss.number). To model the call to evens.put in the hidden part of odds, Ivy exports evens.put to the environment. The requires statement in the specification even.put thus becomes a guarantee of the environment. That is, each isolate only guarantees those assertions for which it receives the blame. The rest are assumed.

When we verifiy isolate evens, the result is as if we had actually entered the following program:

object nat {

object evens = {
    var number : nat
    after init {
        number := 0

    action step = {
        call odds.put(number + 1)

    action put(n:nat) = {
        require even(nat)
        number := n;

    invariant number.even

object odds = {

    action put(n:nat) = {
        require odd(nat)

export evens.step
export evens.put

Notice the implementation of odds.put has been eliminated, and what remains is just the assertion that the input value is odd (Ivy verifies that the eliminated side effect of odds.put is in fact invisible to evens). The assertion that inputs to evens are even has in effect become an assumption. We can prove this isolate is safe by showing that even.number is invariantly even, which means that odds.put is always called with an odd number.

The other isolate, odds, looks like this:

object nat {

object evens = {
    action put(n:nat) = {
        require even(nat)

object odds = {
    var number : nat
    after init {
        number = 1

    action step = {
        call evens.put(number + 1)

    action put(n:nat) = {
        require odd(nat)
        number := n;

    invariant number.odd

export odds.step
export odds.put

If both of these isolates are safe, then we know that neither assertion is the first to fail, so the original program is safe.

The general rule is that a require assertion is a guarantee for the calling isolate and and assumption for the called isolate, while an ensure action is a guarantee for the called isolate and an assumption for the calling isolate. When we verify an isolate, we check only those assertions that are gurantees for actions in the isolate.