positive and negative occurrences

A positive occurrence of a sub-formula within a formula is one under an even number of negations, while a negative occurrence is under an odd number.


For example, in the following formula:

~(~P | Q)

P occurs positively and Q occurs negatively. In the formula P -> Q, P occurs negatively and Q positively, since this is equivalent to ~P | Q. In the formula P <-> Q, P and Q occur both positively and negatively, since this is equivalent to (P -> Q) & (Q -> P).

In the negated verification conditions, generally speaking, an assumption occurs positively, while a guarantee occurs negatively.

Assignments in the code behave like assumptions. To see this, we can rewrite the semantics of assignment using a quantifier, like this:

wlp(y := e, R) = R[e/y]
               = forall y. y = e -> R

Using this method, and converting to prenex normal form, the negated VC for our example becomes a conjunction of the following three formulas:

x > 0
y = x - 1
~(x < y)

We can see that the assumption x > 0 occurs positively, the assignment y = x - 1 occurs positively as an equation, and the guarantee x < y occurs negatively.

On the other hand, as noted above, the VC's for a program invariant I have this form: I -> wlp(a,I). This means that the invariant I occurs both positively and negatively (or put another way, it is both an assumption and a guarantee).

Understanding which formulas occur positively and negatively in the negated VC will be important in understanding why the VC is or is not in the decidable fragment.