effectively propositional

EPR ("effectively propositional") is a fragment of first-order logic restricted to relational first-order formulas (i.e., formulas over a vocabulary that contains constant symbols and relation symbols but no function symbols) with a quantifier prefix ∃∗∀∗ in prenex normal form.

Satisfiability of EPR formulas is decidable. It is NEXPTIME-complete but in practice SMT solvers can decide many practical instances in a reasonable amount of time.

Moreover, formulas in this fragment enjoy the finite model property, meaning that a satisfiable formula is guaranteed to have a finite model. The size of this model is bounded by the total number of existential quantifiers and constants in the formula. The reason for this is that given an ∃∗∀∗-formula, we can obtain an equi-satisfiable quantifier-free formula by skolemization, i.e., replacing the existentially quantified variables by constants, and then instantiating the universal quantifiers for all constants.

See also the wikipedia page.


Suppose we take the axioms of a partial order as assumptions:

forall X,Y,Z. X < Y & Y < Z -> X < Z
forall X,Y. ~(X < Y & Y < Z)

Notice these are in EPR. The VC for the following program is also in EPR:

require forall X,Y. r(X,Y) -> X > Y;
if r(x,y) & r(y,z) {
    r(x,z) := true
ensure forall X,Y. r(X,Y) -> X > Y;

To see this, let’s expand it out to the conjunction of the following formulas in prenex normal form:

forall X,Y. r(X,Y) -> X > Y
r(x,y) & r(y,z) -> (r'(x,z) & forall X,Y. X ~= x | Y ~= y | r'(X,Y) = r(X,Y))
~(r(x,y) & r(y,z)) -> r'(X,Y) = r(X,Y))
exists X,Y. ~(r'(X,Y) -> X > Y)

The first of these formulas says that the precondition holds.

The second says that if we take the “if” branch, then r is updated so that r(x,z) holds and otherwise it remains unchanged.

The third says that if we take the “else” branch, r is unchanged.

The last says that, finally, the guarantee is false.

Notice that a fresh symbol r’ was introduced. Technically, this symbol was introduced to allow us to move a universal quantifier on r to prenex position without "capturing" other occurrences of r. However, we can think of it as just the “next” value of r, after the assignment (that is: treating the program as a transition relation between r and r')

We can see that the precondition and the constraint defining the semantics of assignment both occur positively. These formulas are in EPR, and so the corresponding conjuncts of the negated VC also are.

The guarantee formula occurs negatively as exists X,Y. ~(r'(X,Y) -> X > Y). That is, when we see ~forall X. p(X), we convert it to the equivalent exists X. ~p(X) in prenex form. This formula is also in EPR. In fact, Ivy will convert it to ~(r'(a,b) -> a > b), where a and b are fresh constant symbols.

In general, if we don’t use function symbols, and if all of our assumptions and guarantees are forall formulas (so-called "A"-formulas), then the negated VC will be in EPR.