quantifier alternation

One way of characterizing the complexity of various decision problems in formal logic involves looking at the nesting structure of the quantifier prefix in their prenex normal form.

In particular, alternations in the nesting structure are relevant: positions where one or more universal quantifiers are followed by one or more existential quantifiers, or vice-versa.

This is a fairly large topic itself but for our purposes, it's only relevant that:

  • The number and order of quantifier alternations matter to the complexity of analyzing a formula. The restrictions of the various logical fragments of interest in Ivy are almost all about limiting discourse to specific alternations (for example EPR is exists.forall.)
  • Depending on the writer, the alternation structure of a formula may be abbreviated a few equivalent ways:

    • The universal quantifier is written forall in Ivy but in formal logic and simply A in a fair amount of literature. That is, a writer might refer to an "A formula".

    • The existential quantifier is written exists in Ivy but in formal logic and imply E in a fair amount of literature. That is, a writer might refer to an "E formula".

    • Therefore people may write about, for example, ∀∃∀ formulas for those formulas that have a prefix that alternates between universal, existential, and finally universal quantification. Other authors might just call this an "AEA formula".

    • In many contexts, sequences of quantifiers of the same type (universal or existential) are abbreviated by an asterisk, for example ∀*∃∀ might refer to formulas that have multiple universal quantifiers before the first alternation to an existential quantifier. In other contexts the asterisks might be omitted, and an ∀∃∀ formula might really mean "any formula with any number of repetitions of each quantifier type".