
Keywords: variant, of, isa

A variant is a way of declaring a type that is a subtype of another type.

The syntactic form is variant <new_type> of <old_type> for declaring a new uninterpreted type, or variant <new_type> of <old_type> = <sort> for an interpreted type (i.e. where <sort> is a struct)

A term of a given type can be tested for membership in one of its variants (subtypes) using the isa operator.


type num
type msg

variant point_msg of msg = struct {
    x: num,
    y: num

var saw_message: bool

action foo = {
    var a:point_msg;
    var b:msg := a;
    if b isa point_msg {
        saw_message := true

In this example, a type msg is introduced and then a subtype point_msg is defined with an interpretation as a struct with two fields. In the action foo, a value of the subtype point_msg is assigned to a variable of the supertype msg.