use relations instead of functions

A key method of avoiding function cycles (and thus recovering decidability) is to model a system by relations rather than functions.

This may seem counter-intuitive since mathematically a function is a special case of a relation. But the difference for Ivy's purposes occurs when considering the SMT solver's task of instantiating quantifiers.

Specifically, if a program has a type t with at least one instance i:t and a function f(X:t):t -- an example of a trivial "function cycle" consisting of a function from t to t -- then any time an SMT solver wants to instantiate some logical variable such as V:t by plugging in "all possible ground terms", it can't: the set is infinite: i, f(i), f(f(i)), f(f(f(i))), etc. To instantiate quantifiers over such possibly-infinite types, an SMT solver would have to use some more complicated (and fallible) strategy. Ivy wants to remain in FAU so that the SMT solver can use the simpler instantiation strategy.

To do so, consider what happens if the program is rewritten to remove f and introduce some relation r(X:t,Y:t) in its place. Even if the relation models the exact same function (say: r(P,Q) is true for each Q that was the value of f(P)), and the relation is used the same way the function was in the program, from the perspective of instantiating a quantifier V:t an SMT solver is now back to a finite vocabulary: V:t can only take on i (or whatever other declared individuals exist in type t, such as j). The points where the relation r(X:t,Y:t) is true no longer figure into quantifier instantiation for V:t.


Suppose we have the following functions recording a bijective key-value map:

type key
type val
function valof(K:key):val
function keyof(V:val):key
action add_key(k:key, v:val) = {
    valof(k) := v;
    keyof(v) := k;
    require forall V:val . valof(keyof(V)) = V
export add_key

The postcondition has a function cycle for V:val, causing the following error:

Isolate this:
error: The verification condition is not in the fragment FAU.

The following terms may generate an infinite sequence of instantiations:

t.ivy: line 7: new_valof(new_keyof(V)) = V

However, an equivalent formulation that uses relations:

type key
type val
relation valof(K:key,V:val)
relation keyof(V:val,K:key)
action add_key(k:key, v:val) = {
    valof(k,v) := true;
    keyof(v,k) := true;
    require forall V:val, K:key . keyof(V,K) -> valof(K,V)
export add_key

Stays within FAU and verifies successfully:

Isolate this:

    The following action implementations are present:
        t.ivy: line 7: implementation of add_key

    The following program assertions are treated as assumptions:
        in action add_key when called from the environment:
            t.ivy: line 10: assumption


As a bonus, the relational formulation requires fewer relations -- the keyof relation is redundant, as there is no image or preimage "directionality" to a relation as there is to a function.