Keyword: instantiate
Formulas containing universal and existential quantifiers may be instantiated, providing ground terms for one or more of their logical variables.
This can be done in a proof using the instantiate
tactic (including an optional alpha renaming)
- An existential quantifier at the outer level of the conclusion of a proof goal may be instantiated while preserving logical implication. After all, if the proof goal is to show that given the premises, "there exists" some term that makes the rest of the conclusion true, then supplying such a term -- called a witness -- clearly satisfies the quantifier.
- A universal quantifier at the outer level of any premise of a proof goal may also be instantiated while preserving logical implication. This is because: if a given premise holds "for all" substitutions of a logical variable, then it is also true for a single chosen value. Instantiating a variable in a premise essentially weakens the premise; but may make it easier to match with a chosen witness in the conclusion.
Existential quantifiers in premises may be eliminated by skolemization first, which may make it possible to denote a witness in terms of the resulting Skolem functions.
An example of instantiation (after Skolemization) is given on the skolemization page.